Mario Bossler

I am a researcher in empirical labor economics, working mainly on minimum wages, labor demand, and women in managerial positions. 

I am Professor of Economics at the TH Nuremberg, affiliated to the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Research Fellow at the IZA, and Research Associate at the Labor and Socio-Economic Research Center (LASER) of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.

New Discussion Paper: 

Scarce Workers, High Wages?

(with Benjamin Börschlein and Martin Popp)

We estimate the wage elasticity to an increase in labor market tightness. Although the wage-setting curve is relatively flat, wages increase by 0.4-1.1 percent when tightness doubles. However, the effect is stronger at the bottom of the wage distribution, thereby contributing to declining wage inequality. 

More Ongoing Research Projects:

Labor Demand on a Tight Leash 

(with Martin Popp)

We show that labor market tightness has a significantly negative impact on firms' labor demand. The graph above shows the consequences for employment growth in Germany during the 2010s, when labor market tightness doubled in course of a rising demand for workers. Employment would have grown by an additional 1.1 million jobs if tightness had not increased during the period of analysis. 

The Devil is in the Details:
Heterogeneous Effects of the German Minimum Wage on Working Hours and Minijobs

(with Ying Liang & Thorsten Schank) 

While the literature agrees on at most limited negative effects on the overall employment level, we go into detail and analyze the impact on the working hours dimension and on the subset of minijobs. 

A 22 percent increase

in the German minimum wage:

nothing crazy! 

(with Lars Chittka & Thorsten Schank)

We present the first empirical evidence on the 22 percent increase in the German minimum wage, implemented in 2022, raising it from €9.82 to €10.45 in July and eventually to €12 in October. Our findings reveal significant positive effects on wages, affirming the policy’s intended benefits for low-wage workers. We also identify negative effects on working hours, which do not fully compensate the wage gains. 

E-Mail: mario.bossler[at]